However, we know we must do more to distinguish ourselves from the competition. To provide even more than just excellent service for our customers, we go above and beyond in customer service, expertise, and community involvement!
At Pensacola A/C & Auto, the customer experience starts when you pull into our parking lot. From the first interaction you have with our front office to the final handshake that sends you out the door, we make sure every interaction you have with us is professional, efficient, and suited to your needs.
We never recommend service or repairs that are not needed, and we are always here to answer any questions you might have about routine maintenance, advanced repair work, or manufacturer-recommended work relevant to your vehicle. We don't just tell you; we are known for showing you what is going on with your vehicle so you can always feel confident that the repairs we recommend must be done. We are drivers too, and we know how important it is to be confident in the cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs we drive daily. That confidence comes from having a trusted mechanic in your corner, especially an ASE-certified one like the pros at Pensacola A/C & Auto.
As part of our ongoing commitment to customer service excellence, we also provide a 3-year/36,000-mile warranty for all services and repairs we perform. This gives our customers peace of mind, knowing we stand behind everything we do.
We are successful as an automotive service and repair because of our investments in our employees. Because advanced car care requires advanced training and certifications, we hold our technicians to a higher standard than other service shops. Doing this allows us to provide a broader service offering to our customers, including:
First-time customers are converted into lifelong customers because of the application of years of industry knowledge from the hands of our ASE-certified technicians. Come see why Pensacola A/C & Auto is a shop above the rest!
Want to get to know our team? Call us today!
Auto Repair From People Who Care!
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Our Shop
© 2023 Pensacola AC & Auto Repair. All Rights Reserved | Website managed by
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Our Shop:
72 E Nine Mile Rd, Pensacola, FL 32534, United States of America
Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM